To What Extent Do SMEs Benefit from Financial Services in Egypt? (A Field Study)

Author(s): Sherif Sami, Non-executive Chairman, CIB
Publication Number: ECES-WP220-A

This study assesses the extent of availability of financial services and whether they fulfill the needs of small enterprises, and identifies obstacles and supply gaps in this respect. Following the introduction, part II of the study reviews key initiatives taken by the government and regulatory authorities in relation to small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in general. Parts III and IV discuss the characteristics of the questionnaire conducted by ECES, which included a representative sample of enterprises, and its mostimportant results, including an assessment of the extent to which small enterprises benefit from financial services, and the stance of financial institutions regarding dealing with these enterprises. Finally, Part V presents the key findings and recommendations to improve the ability of small enterprises to benefit of the provided financial services.