The World in 2030

Author(s): Capital Group
Publication Number: ECES-SB150
Issued in: 2021


The next decade may seem a long way off, but at Capital Group we spend a lot of time thinking about the distant future. In the linked article below, ten of Capital Group’s portfolio managers provide their perspective on the world at the end of the decade and how these shifting trends may influence their investment decisions.
That’s why we want to look ahead to 2030 to highlight the most exciting and in some cases life-changing developments uncovered through our global research efforts.
• How the wave in health care innovation will impact patients
• How close scientists could be to a cure for cancer
• Why cash is a thing of the past
• The continued impact of semiconductors across our everyday lives
• What wearable technology will look like
• Why streaming content is still only in its earliest stages
• When driverless cars could rule the roads
• How remote work may reshape our lives
• The potential growth of global electric vehicles
• Why renewable energy will power the world
• Why the future looks bright for long-term investors
We know there will be challenges along the way. But at Capital Group, we are inspired by all the innovations that our team is identifying and the potential investment opportunities that they offer.