Our Economy and the World Issue 347


This week’s issue of “Our Economy and the World” includes:

Key Global and Regional Developments over the Past Week

  • Bloomberg: COP28 nations reach first-ever deal to move away from fossil fuels
  • Bloomberg: Fed pivots to rate cuts as inflation heads toward 2% goal
  • CNBC: Bank of England set to hold interest rates as economists debate 2024 cuts
  • Reuters: US producer prices muted as energy costs drop
  • CNBC: European Central Bank to focus on shrinking balance sheet as markets bet on rate cuts

Special Analysis 

  • Council on Energy, Environment and Water: The Emissions Divide: Inequity Across Countries and Income Classes

Developments in Financial and Commodity Markets in the Past Week

  • Reuters: Oil prices up 1% on big U.S. storage withdrawal, tanker attack in Red Sea
  • CNBC: Dow rallies more than 500 points to record, closes above 37,000 for the first time