Our Economy and the World Issue 317


This week’s issue of includes:

Key Global and Regional Developments over the Past Week

  • BBC: US economic growth slows as firms cut investment
  • CNBC: Euro zone economy ekes out 0.1% growth in first quarter, misses expectations as Germany stagnates
  • CNBC: IMF raises 2023 economic outlook for Asia, sees China and India making up half of global growth
  • Reuters: Japan, S.Korea revive stalled economic talks as global risks rise

Special Analysis 

  • Think7: Think7 Japan Communiqué

Developments in Financial and Commodity Markets in the Past Week

  • Reuters: Wheat hits 2-year low on bumper northern hemisphere supply hopes
  • Reuters: Gold hovers above $2,000 ahead of U.S. Fed rate verdict
  • Bloomberg: European Stocks Rise with US Futures Ahead of Fed