Our Economy and the World Issue 289


This week’s issue of includes:

Key Global and Regional Developments over the Past Week

  • Bloomberg: UK looks at QE change to avert £10 billion payout to banks
  • CNBC: 2-year Treasury yield tops 4% for the first time since 2007
  • BBC: Pound hits new 37-year low as retail sales slide
  • Reuters: U.S. mortgage interest rates reach 6.25%, highest level since October 2008
  • Reuters: Fed delivers another big rate hike; Powell vows to ‘keep at it’

Special Analysis 

  • IMF: Stress Testing the Global Economy to Climate Change-Related Shocks in Large and Interconnected Economies

Developments in Financial and Commodity Markets in the Past Week

  • CNBC: European stocks close higher as markets brace for more Fed action
  • CNBC: Dow closes 500 points lower after the Fed delivers another aggressive rate hike