Our Economy and the World Issue 288


This week’s issue of includes:

Key Global and Regional Developments over the Past Week

  • Bloomberg: Inflation Surprise Puts Onus on Fed to Hit Brakes Even Harder
  • Bloomberg: Chinese Rush to Repay Mortgages Gains Momentum in Abrupt U-Turn
  • BBC: Eurozone interest rates in record rise to fight inflation
  • BBC: EU moves to cut peak electricity use by 5%

Eye on Egypt

  • Council on Foreign Relations: Egypt Is Hosting COP27. Can It Become Africa’s Climate Champion?

Special Analysis 

  • UNDP: Human Development Report 2021-22

Developments in Financial and Commodity Markets in the past week

  • CNBC: Nasdaq closes higher on Wednesday as stocks stabilize following massive sell-off
  • Financial Times: Japanese yen hits 24-year low against dollar
  • Bloomberg: Oil Climbs as Easing Lockdown in Chinese City Sparks Demand Hope