Our Economy and the World Issue 281


This week’s issue of includes:

Key Global and Regional Developments over the Past Week

  • BBC: EU Allows Get-out Clause in Russian Gas Cut Deal
  • Bloomberg: UK Retailers Report Prices Rising at Sharpest Pace Since 2005
  • CNBC: IMF Slashes Global GDP Forecast as Economic Outlook Grows ‘Gloomy and More Uncertain’
  • Bloomberg: Turkey Says Ukraine Grain Exports Could Start Within a Week
  • Bloomberg: Fed Hikes 75 Basis Points Second Time, Signals Third is Possible

Special Analysis 

  • IMF: Gloomy and More Uncertain

Developments in Financial and Commodity Markets in the Past Week

  • Financial Times: European gas prices soar after Russia deepens supply cuts
  • CNBC: Dow rallies 400 points as Powell hints Fed could slow pace of rate hikes, Nasdaq jumps 4%