1- What is the optimal monetary policy framework for a country that has a floating exchange rate? 2- How does fiscal policy negatively affect the central bank’s ability to implement the framework? 3- How have emerging market countries performed under monetary policies that focus on price stability and what are the implications for Egypt?
Poverty or Inequality. Mr. Bourguignon, a leading scholar in the field of development, sheded new light on this debate and draw policy-relevant implications for Egypt. He explored: 1- The nature of the relationship between growth, poverty and inequality; 2- The two-way relationship between growth and distribution; and 3- The scope and role of distributive policies.
and Egypt is no exception. However, this shift has not been universally successful. Drawing on international experience, Mr. Klein explained the reasons for success in some places more than others. He also shared his views on specific reforms in areas such as infrastructure and SMEs.
The problem is that retaliation undermines the WTO objective of free trade. The system is further eroded when the WTO fails to induce compliance with its own rules, as observed recently in the behavior of the US and EU. Not surprisingly, small countries like Egypt find this system unfair, which makes it imperative to look […]