Working Papers

The Working Papers series represents work-in-progress, rather than conclusive results. It aims to make research results available early on and promote the exchange of ideas.

Preferential Trading Arrangements The Traditional and The New

  • 04-12-1996
  • Author(s): Robert Z. Lawrence, Professor of International Trade and Investm ent, the Center for Business and Government, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University.
  • Publication Number: ECES-WP6-E

Incentives for Economic Integration in the Middle East: An Egyptian Perspective

  • 03-12-1996
  • Author(s): Dr. Ahmed Galal
  • Publication Number: ECES-WP5-E

Economic Incentives to Promote the Abatement of Nile Pollution

  • 18-09-1996
  • Author(s): Raouf F. Khouzam
  • Publication Number: ECES-WP4-E

Egypt and the Partnership Agreement with the EU: The Road to Maximum Benefits

  • 13-08-1996
  • Author(s): Dr. Ahmed Galal; Bernard Hoekman, Senior Economist, International Economics Department of the World Bank
  • Publication Number: ECES-WP3-E

Big Spending, Small Returns: The Paradox of Human Resource Development in the Middle East

  • 12-06-1996
  • Author(s): Nemat Shafik, Economist, World Bank’s Middle East and North Africa Region department
  • Publication Number: ECES-WP2-E

Which Institutions Constrain Economic Growth in Egypt The Most

  • 09-04-1996
  • Author(s): Dr. Ahmed Galal
  • Publication Number: ECES-WP1-E