Working Papers

The Working Papers series represents work-in-progress, rather than conclusive results. It aims to make research results available early on and promote the exchange of ideas.

The Future of Egypt’s Textile and Clothing Exports in Light of New International Trading Rules

  • 18-06-2003
  • Author(s): Samiha Fawzy & Nada Massoud
  • Publication Number: ECES-WP86-A

Trade-Induced Protectionism in Egypt’s Manufacturing Sector

  • 10-06-2003
  • Author(s): Amal Refaat
  • Publication Number: ECES-WP85-E

Can Monetary Policy Play an Effective Role in Egypt?

  • 02-06-2003
  • Author(s): Mohamed Hassan
  • Publication Number: ECES-WP84-E

International Tourism Volatility with Special Reference to Egypt

  • 05-05-2003
  • Author(s): Mohamed Fathi Sakr & Nada Massoud
  • Publication Number: ECES-WP83-E

Evaluating Corporate Governance Principles in Egypt

  • 28-04-2003
  • Author(s): Samiha Fawzy
  • Publication Number: ECES-WP82-E

Modernizing Customs Administration in Egypt

  • 15-04-2003
  • Author(s): Omneia Helmy
  • Publication Number: ECES-WP81-A

External Environment, Globalization and Reform

  • 07-04-2003
  • Author(s): Eliana Cardoso & Ahmed Galal
  • Publication Number: ECES-WP80-E

Merger and Acquisition of Banks

  • 11-03-2003
  • Author(s): Nabil Hashad
  • Publication Number: ECES-WP79-A

Monetary policy in Egypt: A Vision for the Future

  • 04-02-2003
  • Author(s): Mahmoud Abu El-Eyoun
  • Publication Number: ECES-WP78-A

Alternative Paths to Prosperity Economic Integration Among Arab Countries

  • 13-01-2003
  • Author(s): Denise Eby Konan
  • Publication Number: ECES-WP77-E