Distinguished lectures

This series is based on  lectures delivered by international scholars and practitioners known for their contribution to economic thought and practical experience. Each publication includes the lecture and a summary of the subsequent discussion.

The Legal Framework for Economic Reform in Egypt

  • 14-10-1996
  • Author(s): Ibrahim Shihata
  • Publication Number: 5

Achieving Rapid Growth: The Road Ahead for Egypt

  • 15-07-1996
  • Author(s): Jeffrey Sachs
  • Publication Number: 3

Chile’s Success Story

  • 03-06-1996
  • Author(s): Hernan Büchi
  • Publication Number: 2

Lessons from the Mexican Crisis for Reforming Economies

  • 02-04-1996
  • Author(s): Eliana Cardoso
  • Publication Number: 1