Abstract: Egypt’s tourism has experienced significant growth over the past fifteen years, but such outstanding performance did not prevent doubts about the sector’s effectiveness, potentials and future prospects. In this context, the paper investigates the reliability of official tourism figures in displaying the real economic impact of the sector, the extent to which tourism potentials […]
Abstract: In developing countries, the construction industry plays a vital role in terms of its contribution to GDP, investment, employment and exports, and because of its strong linkages with other sectors in the economy. In Egypt, this industry has significant potential due to a combination of factors, namely, the accumulated expertise in this industry—being one […]
Abstract: This study assesses the expected short- and medium-run impact of phasing out subsidies of energy products in Egypt. To capture this impact on the most relevant economic variables and sectors, the study conducts an input-output analysis and a computable general equilibrium (CGE) model based on an estimated social accounting matrix (SAM) for the Egyptian […]
Abstract: This study discusses ways of reviving and improving the system of waqfs (endowments) in Egypt, a longtime source of sustainable development in Arab and Muslim communities and a forerunner of what are contemporarily known as civil society organizations. Historical experience also shows that this system once played a vital role in such areas as […]
Abstract: The world economy is currently going through a serious financial upheaval that sparked off in the United States and has spread to Europe and the rest of the world, aided by increased globalization and liberalization of the world economy. Although the crisis has already led to the collapse of influential banks and firms as […]
Abstract: This paper investigates the short-run dynamics and long-run relationship between budget deficit, its sources of financing and inflation in Egypt using annual data for the period 1981/82-2005/06. The empirical results of Johansen cointegration analysis suggest that in the long-run inflation is not only related to the budget deficit but also to its sources of […]
Abstract: In spite of the increasing contribution of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to enhancing economic growth and job creation, a number of factors still impedes their growth and ability to contribute more effectively to economic development. This paper seeks to examine and analyze the impact of enhancing linkages between SMEs and large enterprises on […]
Abstract: This paper discusses public-private partnerships (PPPs) as a means of providing public services, especially in the area of educational support services. The aim is to offer proposals for reform in light of international literature and experience. The study notes that PPPs have witnessed a boost in Egypt with the implementation of the economic reform […]
Abstract:This study attempts to address the concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR), itsdevelopment over the years, benefits that can be achieved as a result of CSR as well as ways of evaluating and regulating its practices. The paper does so in light of successfulinternational experience to draw lessons from best practices in this area. In […]