Abstract: Distribution services play a vital role in establishing links between manufacturers and consumers. All goods produced domestically or imported have to go through distribution channels before reaching final consumers. This study attempts to identify the factors affecting the efficiency of distribution services in Egypt in order to offer some concrete proposals that could contribute […]
Abstract: The transport sector in Egypt is characterized by strong public intervention in the design, building and operation of networks and services. Additionally, being a strategic sector, it is marked by significant political interference, aiming to either absorb excess workers or to maintain a low pricing policy. Such policies led to a considerable deficit and […]
Abstract: Egypt is currently planning to introduce nuclear energy for national electricity generation. In this context, this paper provides an economic feasibility assessment of the use of nuclear power to generate electricity in Egypt and identifies the critical factors behind the choice of appropriate nuclear technology. The methodology applied is pure economic analysis of demand […]
Intended mainly for investors and the business community, this annual publication provides summary data and information on the various aspects of the Egyptian economy.
Abstract: This paper attempts to identify what needs to be done to reform the pay system for government employees in Egypt through proposing a concrete set of feasible policy solutions and strategies. After dissecting the structure and composition of the current pay system, conducting structured interviews with a sample of Egyptian government employees to solicit […]
Abstract: This paper attempts to identify ways to enhance the efficiency of the ICT sector in Egypt and to promote the diffusion and adoption of ICT in the economy. Since early 2000, Egypt has undertaken several reforms including an ICT supportive legal environment, a mix of market liberalization and the introduction of competition, increased private […]
Abstract: This paper investigates various means to reform the service sector in Egypt with the aim of enhancing its efficiency. It discusses the different regulatory and liberalization frameworks governing the reform initiatives. Moreover, the paper investigates how regional liberalization initiatives interact with the multilateral and unilateral waves of liberalization. The main drivers for services’ reform […]
Abstract: This paper investigates the performance of the banking sector in Egypt during a period characterized by privatization and a liberal economic regime. It reviews the developments in market structure and regulatory framework towards a more competitive system and measures efficiency for the various bank groups as classified by type of business activity and ownership […]