Abstract: Labor market rigidity is a major constraint to doing business in Egypt where labor regulations are perceived as a major constraint to 27 percent of surveyed firms in Egypt. This rigidity is considered one of the causes of high and persistent unemployment. This paper addresses the effect of labor laws and institutions on the […]
Abstract: This paper investigates the determinants of job satisfaction, profitability and informality in the informal sector in Egypt. It is based on a sectorally structured sample survey that elicits the views of 90 employers and 180 employees regarding informality. With respect to employers, findings indicate that they tend to be more profitable in the trade […]
Abstract: By tracking changes in the employment and wage structure of 9 high, middle and low skilled occupations in 18 economic activities over the period 2000-2009, this paper provides evidence that skill demand polarization is growing in Egypt and wage disparity is widening. The empirical analysis indicates that the demand for middle skilled workers has […]
Abstract: Contrary to economic intuition, public sector wages appear in the data to be higher on average than private sector wages. This paper investigates the validity and reasons behind this finding through an analysis of the ELMPS 2006 dataset. More importantly, the paper attempts to identify wage determinants in the public and the private sectors […]
Abstract: This study aims to explain how nominal wages in the private and public sectors in Egypt behaved in response to changes in domestic prices during the period 1985–2009. A vector error correction model (VECM) is estimated to investigate the short-run dynamics among nominal wages, and the urban consumer price index (CPI), while accounting for […]
Abstract: This study explores the effect of decent work attainment on labour productivity in Egypt, using a sample survey of 50 textile and apparel firms employing 50 or more persons. These firms belong to an industry that is a primary contributor to employment, exports, output and value added in the manufacturing sector at large. Closed […]