Using a descriptive analysis approach, this paper seeks to identify key factors for a successful population policy in Egypt. For this purpose, the first section overviews eight leading international experiences in population to find the main contributors to the demographic transition in each of these experiences. Section 2 assesses Egypt’s management of the population file […]
Empirical studies analyzing the push factors of Islamic State recruitment are scarce and typically give contradictory results. We hypothesize that youth unemployment, as opposed to overall unemployment, is a significant determinant of foreign fighters flow to join Islamic State (IS).Moreover, we also consider the interaction between youth unemployment and the Muslim population share as other […]
This paper studies recent inflation dynamics in Egypt with the objective of assessing whether there are structural factors behind the trend rise in inflation since 2003. Specifically, we uncover the role of two significant determinants of long-run inflation dynamics, namely excessive monetary growth and a rise in the intensity of relative price variability. These twvariables […]
Egypt’s Economic Profile and Statistics is an annual booklet containing summary data and information about various aspects of the Egyptian economy. Designed in a graphical and tabular format, this publication is intended mainly for the business community and investors seeking reliable information about the main developments in the Egyptian economy. This edition covers fiscal year […]
This study explores the economic impact of the latest fiscal policies and social safety-net measures in Egypt, using a disaggregated Social Accounting Matrix and a Computable General Equilibrium model.Additionally, it examines the effect of the use of savings to expand pro-poor spending. This paper is differentiated by modeling a number of special features of value-added […]
Following the January 2011 Revolution, Egypt has experienced increasing political instability. It has also been the target of intense terrorist attacks as the ousting of the first democratically elected Muslim Brotherhood president Mohamed Morsi in June 30, 2013 due to popular discontent with his policies, arousing rage among his followers. While substantial efforts are exerted […]
The services sector has been increasingly dominant in most economies. According to the World Development Indicators, the share of services in world GDP was 69 percent in 2016 compared with 53 percent in 1970. This steady growth of the service sector over the years has led many countries to consider both manufacturing and services, as […]
The unique nature of marriage in the Arab region has generated a range of stylized facts that may not be very pertinent to Western societies. An example of which is the importance of marriage itself, the problematic delay in marriage as well as the costs accompanying marriage.These issues have all been relevant to the Arab […]