Overview: International Debt Statistics (IDS), a long-standing annual publication of the World Bank, features external debt statistics and analysis for the 123 low- and middle-income countries that report to the World Bank Debtor Reporting System. IDS 2022 includes (1) an overview analyzing global trends in debt stocks of and debt flows to low- and middle-income […]
Overview: You Spend It. You Save It. You Never Have Enough of It. But how does money actually work?Understanding cash, currencies and the financial system is vital for making sense of what is going on in our world, especially now. Since the 2008 financial crisis, money has rarely been out of the headlines. Central banks […]
Overview: If you think financial health is beyond your reach, think again. I Will Teach You To Be Rich is the modern money classic that has revolutionised the lives of countless people all over the world, teaching them how to effectively manage their finances, demolish their debt, save better and get the most out of […]
Overview: A critical look at how the world is responding to China’s rise, and what this means for America and the world.China is advancing its own interests with increasing aggression. From its Belt and Road Initiative linking Asia and Europe, to its Made in China 2025 strategy to dominate high-tech industries, to its significant economic […]
Overview: Economic historian Chris Miller explains how the semiconductor came to play a critical role in modern life and how the U.S. became dominant in chip design and manufacturing and applied this technology to military systems. America’s victory in the Cold War and its global military dominance stems from its ability to harness computing power […]
Overview: This paper takes stock of the unfolding debt crisis across developing low- and middle-income countries and discusses how to break with the inertia in debt restructurings under the Common Framework for Debt Treatments (CF). Using data on credit ratings, debt sustainability ratings, and sovereign bond spreads the paper identifies 54 developing economies with severe […]
Abstract As of June 2021, a decade of negotiations between Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan over the filling and operation of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam had failed to produce any tangible results. The largest dam on the continent, with a capacity of 74 billion cubic metres, it is capable of generating almost 6,000 megawatts (MW) […]
This research paper aims to determine whether the Egyptian ICT sector is following the low road or high road growth path, and the extent to which the sector achieves its full potential and responds promptly to the current technological revolution. Finally, the paper presents broad guidelines on how this sector can reach its full potential. […]
This research paper studies and analyzes civil society in Egypt in an attempt to assess its economic and social contribution. Civil society, if properly supported and strengthened, can be a key driver of change and achieve sustainable development in Egypt. Following the introduction, the study begins with an overview of key and pioneering international experiences […]