Egypt’s Economic Profile and Statistics is an annual booklet containing summary data and information about various aspects of the Egyptian economy. Designed in a graphical and tabular format, this publication is intended mainly for the business community and investors seeking reliable information about the main developments in the Egyptian economy. This edition covers fiscal year […]
This week’s issue of includes: Key Global and Regional Developments over the Past Week Special Analysis Developments in Financial and Commodity Markets in the Past Week
Overview: Broadly viewing the global economy as a political competition that produces winners and losers, International Political Economy holistically and accessibly introduces the field of IPE to students with limited background in political theory, history, and economics. This text surveys major interests and institutions and examines how state and non-state actors pursue wealth and power. […]
This week’s issue of includes: Key Global and Regional Developments over the Past Week Eye on Egypt Special Analysis Developments in Financial and Commodity Markets in the Past Week
Overview: Benjamin Ho reveals the surprising importance of trust to how we understand our day-to-day economic lives. Starting with the earliest societies and proceeding through the evolution of the modern economy, he explores its role across an astonishing range of institutions and practices. From contracts and banking to blockchain and the sharing economy to health […]
Adam Tooze, whose last book was universally lauded for guiding us coherently through the chaos of the 2008 crash, now brings his bravura analytical and narrative skills to a panoramic and synthetic overview of our current crisis. By focusing on finance and business, he sets the pandemic story in a frame that casts a sobering […]
UnraveledA groundbreaking chronicle of the birth–and death–of a pair of jeans, that exposes the fractures in our global supply chains, and our relationships to each other, ourselves, and the planet.Unraveled is not just the story of a pair of pants, but also the story of our global economy and our role in it. Told with […]
Africa is at a crossroads. As one of the most vulnerable continents to climate change and climate variability, it has a strong incentive to join global efforts to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and bolster its adaptive capacity. At the same time, African governments are committed to industrializing their economies in order to meet the […]
Manufacturing-led development has been the traditional model for creating jobs and prosperity. But in the past three decades, the services sector has grown faster than the manufacturing sector in many developing economies. In 2019, the services sector accounted for an average of 55 percent of GDP and 45 percent of employment in developing economies. As […]
A challenge to prevailing ideas about innovation and a guide to identifying the best growth strategy for your community.Success lies in understanding the changed structure of the global system of production and then using those insights to enable communities to recognize their own advantages, which in turn allows to them to foster surprising forms of […]