Overview: Following these conflicts into the twenty-first century, Albritton Jonsson and Wennerlind insist that we need new, sustainable models of economic thinking to address the climate crisis. Scarcity is not only a critique of infinite growth, but also a timely invitation to imagine alternative ways of flourishing on Earth.
General Introduction ECES initiated a set of studies to analyze the implications of the Corona crisis on the various variables and sectors. Now it is time to move to the second stage, which is to put forth the strategic pillars for the post-corona phase in the Egyptian economy, taking into account the new global economic […]
General Introduction The Egyptian Center for Economic Studies (ECES) provided an analysis of the impact of the Coronavirus andemic on the various aspects and sectors of the Egyptian economy. The analysis was supported by multiple scenarios whose expectations varied with respect to the performance of these sectors according to the indicators and conditions prevailing at […]
General Introduction ECES initiated a set of studies to analyze the implications of the Corona crisis on the various variables and sectors. Now it is time to move to the second stage, which is to put forth the strategic pillars for the post-corona phase in the Egyptian economy, taking into account the new global economic […]
General Introduction ECES initiated a set of studies to analyze the implications of the Corona crisis on the various variables and sectors. Now it is time to move to the second stage, which is to put forth the strategic pillars for the post-corona phase in the Egyptian economy, taking into account the new global economic […]
General Introduction ECES initiated a set of studies to analyze the implications of the Corona crisis on the various variables and sectors. Now it is time to move to the second stage, which is to put forth the strategic pillars for the post-corona phase in the Egyptian economy, taking into account the new global economic […]