Overview: A timely manifesto on how digital currencies will win the New Cold War and the struggle for geopolitical supremacy in the twenty-first century. Since the end of the Second World War, the US dollar has been the global reserve currency, which has ensured American dominance of the world economy. But no longer. More than […]
Our Views The World Economic Forum (WEF) launched this morning the Future of Jobs Report 2024. It is the fifth in a series of reports published by the WEF since 2016, and the second launch for Egypt’s future jobs profile. It assesses the current global labor market landscape and forecasts the transformations expected to occur […]
Overview:Manufacturing jobs, once the backbone of the modern US economy, have declined as a share of GDP over recent decades, darkening opportunities for middle-class advancement. Similar trends have impacted export superpowers like China, Germany, Japan, Singapore, and South Korea. Driven by nostalgia for a bygone era, however, many countries have turned to reshoring and “industrial […]
This report presents the results of a periodic evaluation carried out by the Egyptian Center for Economic Studies (ECES) of a sample of 120 private sector firms covering various sectors and sizes, reflecting the opinion of the business community regarding developments in a set of variables, specifically: production, domestic sales and exports, commodity inventory, level […]
Our Views The Ministry of Investment and Foreign Trade informed the export councils of the details of the new export support program. Export councils’ officials revealed to “Al-Borsa News” that the new program changes the percentage of relinquishment of foreign currency export proceeds. Under the new program, the minimum relinquishment percentage will be 40% of […]
This week’s issue of “Our Economy and the World” includes: Key Global and Regional Developments over the Past Week Special Analysis Developments in Financial and Commodity Markets in the Past Week
Overview: From the emergence of money in the ancient world to today’s interconnected landscape of high-frequency trading and cryptocurrency, the story of finance has always taken place on an international stage. Finance is one of the most globalized and networked of human activities, and one of the most important social technologies ever invented. This volume, […]
This week’s issue of “Our Economy and the World” includes: Key Global and Regional Developments over the Past Week Special Analysis Developments in Financial and Commodity Markets in the Past Week
Overview: In Money and Promises, the distinguished banker and scholar Paolo Zannoni examines the extraordinary relationship between states and banks. He draws upon seven case studies: the republic of twelfth-century Pisa, seventeenth-century Venice, the early years of the Bank of England, Imperial Spain, the Kingdom of Naples, the nascent USA during the American Revolution, and […]