Abstract: This paper is concerned with gas pricing policies and begins by describing the unique characteristics of gas that influence the market and pricing. In Egypt, the upstream and downstream pricing of gas is based on the institutional system which governs the hydrocarbon industry and the multiplicity of objectives the government tries to achieve.The policy […]
Abstract: This paper explores the economic impact of a free trade agreement (FTA) between Egypt and the United States, assuming that Egypt implements both the recently agreed Arab League FTA and a partnership agreement with the European Union. An Egypt-US agreement would improve Egypt’s economic welfare. Gains would be maximized if the agreement were to […]
Abstract: This paper evaluates, from a US perspective, two distinct models for a US-Egypt free trade agreement (FTA). One model is the traditional GATT FTA exemplified by the US-Israel and Euro-Med agreements. The US-Israeli FTA was the first signed by the United States, and its provisions were relatively limited. The other model, as exemplified by […]
Abstract: This paper explores whether developing countries are better off relying on competition, incentive regulation and private ownership rather than state ownership, exclusive state monopoly and administered regulation of utilities. It evaluates the welfare implications of these two scenarios by estimating implications of reforming Telecom Egypt on the welfare of consumers, workers, government and buyers. […]
Abstract: This paper analyzes the Egyptian General Sales Tax (GST) which has registered a high buoyancy over the last six years, while income taxes on individuals are showing declining buoyancy despite progressive rates. This paper recommends replacing the GST with a value-added tax (VAT) to increase efficiency and revenue productivity. The GST must be reformed […]
Abstract: This paper examines an Egypt-US FTA from Egyptian perspective. It explores the choices facing negotiators and the probable implications of the most likely FTA scenario for Egypt. It considers three broad choices: a US-Israeli-style FTA focusing on the elimination of tariffs and restrictions; a broader agreement like the North- American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) […]
Abstract: “The Consumer Price Index (CPI)1 is an instrument designed to measure changes over time in the prices paid by households for goods and services which are customarily purchased for consumption2. Its principal objective is to reflect only pure price movement3”. That is to say, price changes due to quality differences, technological innovations, and different […]
Abstract: Egypt’s economic reform and structural adjustment program (ERSAP) was initiated in l99l to rectify the imbalances between the demand and supply sides of the economy. The main symptoms of these imbalances are the chronic deficits in the balance of payments and the government budget, and high inflation. This paper assesses the economic and social […]
Abstract: This paper analyzes the successful Egyptian stabilization experience during the 1990s, focusing on its distinctive features and contrasting them with the experience of recent developing country stabilizers. Successful stabilization provides a sound launching pad for Egypt’s acceleration of structural reforms aimed at durably raising the country’s economic growth.Following the gulf war, Egypt launched a […]
Abstract: The paper discuss the concept of usury and its evolution in economic thinking. Then it discusses the economic framework of the Islamic banking system and constructs a model that illustrates the distinctive characteristics of Islamic banking. The paper also attempts to examine the performance of Islamic banks as well as Islamic branches of conventional […]