Abstract:The claim that industrial policy has become a thing of the past is largely exaggerated. Industrial policies continue to be used throughout the world, but with new modalities and focus that reflect the reality of the new global economic architecture, rapid technological change, and acknowledgement of the costly mistakes made in the past with traditional […]
Abstract: This study evaluates the merits of deregulating the airline industry in Egypt, especially from the perspective of enhancing the contribution of tourism to the Egyptian economy. It does so by tracing global developments in the airline industry, assessing the liberalization effort in Egypt to date, and outlining options for the future. On the latter […]
Abstract: This paper assesses the merits of selective intervention (or industrial policy) in the Egyptian manufacturing sector over the period 1980-2000 to determine whether this policy contributed to increased diversification and improved performance of difference industries. The paper finds no positive association between the preferential incentives accorded to different industries and their performance, and attributes […]
Abstract:This paper examines the effectiveness of government support to private investment in Turkey during the period 1980-2000. It does so by first assessing quantitatively the effects of investment incentives on total factor productivity, employment and investment in the manufacturing sector; and second, by conducting a survey of the views of businessmen who received these incentives […]
Abstract: Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan are regarded as primary examples of countries that have derived great benefits from increasing integration with the international economy, without surrendering national autonomy in the economic or cultural spheres, by pursuing decidedly non-neutral policies with respect to the promotion of specific sectors and activities. This paper addresses a series […]
Abstract: This study assesses the efficiency and equity of the current subsidy policy in Egypt and offers options for reform. It shows that current implicit and explicit subsidies of commodities and social services have contributed to poverty alleviation. However, this has been achieved at a high cost, including increased burden on the treasury, price distortions […]
Abstract: This paper discusses alternative institutional mechanisms for reducing state intervention in economic affairs and strengthening its regulatory and oversight role. It first explores the rationale for rethinking the role of the state, by assessing the economic cost of maintaining the status quo, and analyzing the relation between reducing state intervention and economic growth. It […]
Abstract: The expansion of the European Union (EU) has prompted the development of a new approach towards deeper integration with its neighbors: the European Neighborhood Policy (ENP). Following a brief discussion of the integration strategies pursued since the mid-1990s—the Barcelona Process and the associated Euro-Mediterranean Partnership (EMP) agreements—this study describes the main elements of the […]
Abstract: The relationship between trade, employment and wages is far from settled. This paper surveys the literature dealing with this relationship with a view to identifying any stylized facts and proposing areas for future research. Beyond the link between trade, employment and wages, the paper also explores the impact of trade on heterogeneity and imperfect […]
Abstract:This paper uses a partial equilibrium model to estimate the revenue impact of the 2004 trade liberalization effort in Egypt. It further simulates the likely impact on revenue if the government were to pursue further trade liberalization. The analysis takes into account both the change in the tariff structure as well as the price elasticity […]