Our Economy and the World Issue 319


This week’s issue of includes:

Key Global and Regional Developments over the Past Week

  • Bloomberg: Xi Summit to Deepen Central Asian Ties in Split-Screen With G-7
  • Bloomberg: Italy to Discuss Leaving China’s Investment Pact With G-7 Allies
  • Bloomberg: China’s Home-Price Growth Slows as Housing Rebound Fizzles
  • BBC: US Inflation Below 5% for First Time in Two Years
  • Reuters: Erdogan says Black Sea grain deal extended for two months

Special Analysis 

  • World Bank: Africa’s Pulse – Leveraging Resource Wealth During the Low Carbon Transition

Developments in Financial and Commodity Markets in the Past Week

  • Reuters: Asian FX Stumbles on US Debt Ceiling Talks, China Data
  • Bloomberg: S&P 500 Up 1% on Hopes for Washington Breakthrough